AAA Hot Deals are a great opportunity to make your stay with us even better. Use your AAA/CAA membership to enjoy special perks such as enhanced discounts and parking at participating hotels. Combine this with Travel Pass promotions, points toward free nights, and other rewards, and it all adds up to a memorable experience.
Room and rates are subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. Valid AAA/CAA Membership ID required at check-in.
A Museum Experience
Create your Culture with our new Yorkville Museum Experience Package!
Let Your Love Show
Celebrate love now through February with our romance packages. They’re perfect for surprising that special someone, celebrating Valentine’s Day, or just giving yourself a little more love.
The Yorkville Experience
Elevate your visit in Toronto with complimentary valet parking, breakfast for two in our Signatures Restaurant, welcome amenity and 2PM late check-out.